Ready for Bed
When you are ready for bed, our system could trigger a series of events to prepare your home for the night.
All the lights could turn off or dim to night time levels. A thermostat resets the temperature to night time settings. TV’s and audio systems throughout the house turn off automatically and the home security system is activated. An interface touch screen can even display a confirmation that the garage door is closed and the house is secure.
That quickly and easily you and your family can settle down for a safe night rest.
Waking Up
The next morning the house could be warmed, blinds raised and music could be played to gently wake you and your family. This way, you can wake up every morning refreshed, rested and ready for the day.
Coming Home
After a long day, home automation can help make your home a warm and inviting refuge. The moment you pull into your garage, a motion sensor detects your presence a pre-programmed sequence of events will prepare the house for your arrival.
The security system will report any abnormalities. Driveway and garage lighting will light up at night time. Soothing welcome home music begins playing over the sound system. Interior lights are set to comfortable levels.
With home automation you always come home to a perfectly prepared environment without ever lifting a finger.